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100% for humans, by humans, in collaboration with nature

100% for humans, by humans, in collaboration with nature

A project has been launched in France to tackle the inequality of opportunity caused by the economic and health crisis. The so-called Les 100 lieux nourriciers, or the hundred nutritious places, is a project commissioned by the French Association for Professional Urban Agriculture (AFAUP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Throughout France, innovative cooperative projects are tackling inequality. The aim is to address public health while fighting for social justice. 

France knows 8 million people who for financial reasons are unable to afford a healthy meal. Due to the economic and health crisis, France is increasingly faced with inequality of opportunity. Workers, students and families find themselves in a precarious situation where they have to rely on food aid. This need for food goes beyond social inequality, it affects the public health.

With inspiring initiatives at a local level, underprivileged people gain access to sustainable quality food. This is done, among other things, by launching a digital platform where project leader, contractor and the public can find projects in their neighborhood and further spread the arrival of community gardens, micro-farms and solidarity supermarkets.

On August 22, AFAUP started a summer tour throughout France where people are introduced to the possibilities offered by the projects. In this way, everyone can reap the benefits of this initiative. In addition to local harvested, fresh food, the projects give connection and joy.

A final seminar in December will bring together all stakeholders who work together on the future of food accessibility. They will share their experiences and create, share and enjoy the future of local, healthy food that is available to all. 

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