After several debates and workshops with the inhabitants and the Remanufacture studio, Romainville is proud to inaugurate its new public street furniture, a big landscaped table for neighborhood life: the Végétable!
The Cité Maraîchère is an innovative market gardening indoor farm in the heart of the city belonging and managed by the Municipality.
Being a link between citizens and agriculture, one of its stakes is to include the citizens in its management and to be a driving force to educate people to sustainable food systems. Several debates and workshops were organized between April and June 2021 on what should be planted in the gardens on the side of the vertical farm and what should be built in front of the farm as street furniture to activate it as a new public place for the neighborhood, both being directly available to the inhabitants at all times. Thus 6 different gardens were co-designed and co-planted by the inhabitants and the farm. As for the public furniture, citizens were again consulted with several workshops organized by the Remanufacture and the Cité Maraîchère to discuss and build together this extraordinary big ring shaped table. Il will include a small landscape in the center – a vegetable table, a tree or even a pond were discussed – to be designed with the inhabitants and already includes different seats or not to enable all be them kids, adults, seniors or disabled to enjoy this new fixture.
After much work with the help of employees of the Cité Maraîchère (people part of an integration project carried out by the City), the Remanufacture and the inhabitants, the Romainville citizens are proud to inaugurate the outside spaces of the vertical farm, especially this new piece of furniture built using recycled wood – from the frame of a 1910 building – and good old fashioned manual work!