FoodE partner organisation Polar Permaculture has published an eBook with healthy and zero-waste recipes, in order to make healthy food produced in sustainable systems more accessible to the wider public. The eBook is called ‘koselige kvelder’, which means ‘cozy nights’.
Polar Permaculture published the eBook in collaboration with Svalbardbutikken, which is the only supermarket in the remote island of Svalbard, Norway. Svalbardbutikken created a package with some of the most sustainable items in the store, plus Polar Permaculture goodies, which were sold at a special price. The items in the bag produced 5 zero-waste recipes in Norwegian, which are featured in this eBook. It also contains a series of other recipes and tips from countries all around the world, which are available in English.
Polar Permaculture is the world’s most northern urban farm. It is run by Benjam Vidmar, who grows microgreens for restaurants and hotels and collects the waste to compost with worms. Karlotta Kuerzel and Helene Kohnen from Polar Permaculture cooked all the recipes that are featured within the eBook and photographed the results.
Polar Permaculture aims to make the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard a better and more sustainable home for people, wildlife and even innovative ideas. Innovative initiatives such as the eBook play an important role in achieving this goal.
The eBook and all the nice recipes in it can be found here: Link